Enhance Your Finance Broker Website With is an innovative platform that simplifies the loan process by using advanced AI to match you with the best loan options for your financial profile. It connects you with a wide network of reputable lenders, ensuring you get competitive rates and terms. With, you can easily compare loan options, apply online, and track your application status, making the entire process seamless and stress-free.

Here's what you will learn:

What is

LoanOptions is Australia’s first AI-powered loan comparison platform. Using data-driven proprietary technology to pre-approve you with the most competitive loans from over 60+ banks and lenders tailored to your individual circumstances.
The future is here with AI-assisted loan matching to find the customers the best offers for car loans, personal loans, business loans and equipment loans.
LoanOptions was founded to make not only a smarter loan marketplace but also a simpler and more streamlined process.

Here are some key features and benefits of

  • Personalized Loan Matching
  • Wide Range of Lenders
  • Simplified Application Process
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Comprehensive Comparison
  • Secure and Confidential
  • Enhanced Financial Decision-Making

How Improved Our Clients Website

Websites dedicated to providing legal and financial assistance for loan options, we identified a need for an advanced, efficient, and reliable loan integration system. This led us to implement, a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline the loan selection process for clients.

How is Helping Clients:

  • Enhanced Client Satisfaction: Clients benefit from quick and accurate loan matches, reducing the hassle of searching for suitable loan options independently. This positive experience fosters client loyalty and referrals.
  • Streamlined Operations: The integration of automates a significant portion of the loan selection process, leading to more efficient operations. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human errors.
  • Competitive Edge: Offering advanced loan integration sets our clients website apart from competitors. It demonstrates a commitment to leveraging technology to provide superior service, attracting more clients seeking comprehensive financial solutions.
  • Data-Driven Insights: provides valuable data and insights into client preferences and behaviors. Our clients can use this information to tailor their services and improve their offerings continuously.

How to add to Your Website

Integrating into your website is a straightforward process that enhances your site’s functionality and provides valuable services to your users. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Sign Up and Get API Access:
    Visit the website and sign up for an account. Once registered, request API access to get your unique API key and documentation.
  2. Review Documentation:
    Thoroughly review the API documentation provided by This will help you understand the integration process and available features. Read the integration Process.
  3. Install API Integration:
    Use the API key to integrate with your website. You can do this by adding the provided code snippets to your site’s backend. Ensure your website is capable of handling API requests and responses.
  4. Add Pages to Work with
    Three new pages have to be created on your website:
    Application Page: /application
    Upload Document Page: /upload-document
    Submitted Page: /submitted
    i.e if your website is, we need to be able to navigate to
  5. Test the Integration:
    Before going live, thoroughly test the integration to ensure it works correctly. Check for any errors or issues and resolve them promptly.
  6. Launch and Monitor:
    Once everything is set up and tested, launch the integration on your website. Continuously monitor its performance and gather feedback from users to make any necessary improvements.

Implemented Integrations for Our Clients

Integrations Implemented By NAFCORP TECHNOLOGIES

Want to know more about Integrations for your business?
